Technology Partnership Program (TPP)

According to the Small Business Administration (SBA), about 20% of small businesses fail within the first year, and about 50% fail within the first five years. 


Furthermore, a study by CBInsights estimates that 90% of startups that received funding fail.


We safely claim that ignoring technology and not building a strong business ecosystem can lead your business to failure. We want to work with you even before you realize that technology actually can mitigate the risk of your business. 


But, before purchasing a digital solution, it is important to ensure that it will not become one more unnecessary clutter on your computer. To avoid this, consider reaching out to us for our Technology Partnership Program (TPP) to determine what you truly need. 


After conducting a thorough "Requirement Analysis" and "Feasibility Study", we will determine your specific needs for a custom application. This service is provided at no cost to you within Technology Partnership Program.


You may not have ever thought of automation of your institutional workflow, increasing market accessibility, and improving your customer engagement.


If yes, then you are risking your business by falling behind your competition. 


DreamWork Solution is delighted to collaborate with you to enhance your communication and establish a more effective collaboration system both within and outside of your institution. We help you explore the potential of automation today and unlock new opportunities for growth and success.


DWS works with you to develop business intelligence and craft the digital tools that amplify your decision-making with backend support of on-the-fly reports and real-time analytics.


As an industrialist, always remember that "Planning is an art, but decision-making is a science."


Within its service range, DreamWork Solution can help you taking better decisions that value more than anything else for you.